Employability Support Training Programme
To be able to change & to adapt is important to learn, continually learning. Lifelong learning processing is the key that they can open new opportunities in their lives.
Firstly, we will provide psychological/emotional support for those who might need & secondly professionally guidance in their careers.
Therefore we’ll contribute on the new start of those people who lost their job & who suffered psychological/mental health changes in their professional lives & also their life routine as a result of COVID19.

Establish a common professional profile of adult educators in psychological guidance on changing career.
Developed an online curricula
Develop modules for the online course based on the curricula IO2 and develop an evaluation tool in order to assess the learning curve at the end of the training.
E-tool -Create a multilingual web program (also will be available for mobile)for wellbeing and mental support.
Produce a document and database that incorporate good practices and useful information on employment law
What Can We Do For You?
Reset Restart
The partnership consortium of five partner organizations from Italy, Romania,
Spain, Turkey, and the UK (North Ireland) had identified a common problem and
obvious need in the domain of employment.

Erasmus+ & The European Union

Latest News

Newsletter Issue 1
Reset Restart Newsletter Issue 1 Project Partners: Kilcooley Women’sCentre, UK (Northern Ireland) – leading partner ARES, Italy Open Europe, Spain Social Life Volunteers, Turkey IEDS,

We would love to hear from you, for more information on the project get in touch.
Let us help you Reset & Restart your Employment.
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