Who are our Partners
Lets introduce ourselves

Kilcooley Women's Centre
Kilcooley Women’s Centre, is currently based in Bangor, Northern Ireland and has provided services for women in North Down since 1995. KWC adopts the principles of COMMUNITY WEALTH BUILDING to improve the economic outcomes for the borough of Ards North Down through collaboration. The Women’s Centre is a key player within the wider Kilcooley area and works collaboratively with other agencies towards improved outcomes for all residents of the estate, with a particular focus on early intervention programmes and projects to address educational underachievement and poor health and wellbeing outcomes. As the only women’s centre serving Ards/North Down and unique in Co Down, where possible we offer outreach training to smaller towns and villages in the Borough. On 2nd June 2017, HM Queen Elizabeth announced in the London Gazette that she had awarded the centre the ‘Queens Award for Voluntary Service’ in recognition of the service to the community from 1995.
The Centre has been acknowledged as a valuable asset within the community and has developed a diverse range of services to meet the identified needs of women, children and their families living within the Kilcooley and wider Ards & North Down area. Local women are involved in the staffing and management of the centre. Kilcooley Women’s Centre is a key provider of training, health awareness, childcare and young women’s activities and leads on community based education in the area.
Asociatia Impreuna Pentru Educare şi Dezvoltare Sociala
Founded in November 2018, the Asociatia Impreuna pentru Educare si Dezvoltare Sociala (IEDS Association)/Together for Education and Social Development Association is a nongovernmental organization that works for social inclusion of vulnerable people. In the vision of the IEDS Association the inequalities determined by the social status disappear when vulnerable people can evolve at personal, family, professional, and social level by access to education and information. Therefore the mission of IEDS Association’s is to inform and educate vulnerable people for having a developed and integrated community by also promoting and protecting the human rights. The scope of the association is to facilitate the access of vulnerable people to information and education in order to gain knowledge, abilities and skills enabling them to have a decent and active life at personal, family and community level in full accordance with the rights ensuring their personal development and social inclusion. For IEDS Association the vulnerable people are grouped as following: · Youngsters who are in NEET situation · Poor or single parent family, families which have more than 2 children and they have minimis aid · Over 35 unemployed persons who don`t have a diploma certifying a specific qualification · Persons with disabilities The IEDS Association areas of activity: · Developing project ideas and writing project proposals funded by EU programs. · Facilitating the access to information and education by organizing and promoting non-formal trainings and activities. · Informing about and teaching on specific legislation regarding the social inclusion of vulnerable groups. · Human rights promotion and protection, lobbying and advocating for the rights of vulnerable people. The expertise of the organization covers the following main domains: EU funding programmes, especially Erasmus+ programme, social inclusion of vulnerable groups, human rights, lobby and advocacy.

Facebook page: Asociatia Impreuna pentru Educare şi Dezvolare Sociala
Email: asociatiaieds@gmail.com
Contacts: +40758510251

Website: www.ares.cb.it Email: p.pietrangelo@ares.cb.it Contacts: Paola Pietrangelo Tel: +393488404701 |
A.RE.S. scarl
ARES is a company born in 1988, in Campobasso, Molise, the second smallest region of Italy ARES is an accredited body for VET by Molise Region and has a quality system and certification according to the ISO 9001:2008 for training and services. ARES designs and provides VET training in different fields and addressed to heterogeneous targets: people at risk of social exclusion (youth, women, migrants, adults in requalification, unemployed people, NEETs), companies and entrepreneurs, professionals and public bodies. Since 2013, ARES designs and manages AMIF (Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund) projects, for adult and underage migrants, aiming to facilitate their social, cultural, and economical inclusion and their active politic participation at local and national level, through competencies assessment and enhancement actions, profiling and career guidance activities, training courses, organization of social and cultural events. ARES also manages and implements cooperation projects with local, national and international organizations and public bodies to facilitate social inclusion of low skilled people, migrants, women, youths, improving the quality of their lives and global communities’ wellbeing. Relying on a solid team of heterogeneous experts, ARES designs and implements projects and VET programs to improve social, economic and environmental impacts, addressed to professionals, public bodies and companies, aiming to help them develop competencies, methodologies, and strategies to improve their business models, generating good impact on communities, environment, and local economy. ARES also supports professionals, public bodies and companies in improving their business, image, and presence online, providing web marketing strategies and tools, web development and social media management.
Social Life Volunteers
Social Life Volunteers (SLV) is a non-governmental non-profit organization The objectives of SLV are: – to support people who are under the risk of sociological, economical, psychological and physical threatens – to organize sportive, artistic, cultural and educational activities with people who has various backgrounds and specialties – to organize a wide range of activities which support all individual’s social development. – to create, adapt and implement innovative social and educational initiatives and projects related to formal and non- formal education both to professionals and different target groups. The organization was develops and implements projects, both national-local and transnational level, incollaboration with formal and non-formal education providers like: associations, NGOs, local institutions, public services, schools, etc. The services are provided for different target groups: youth, volunteers, victims of violence, (ex) offenders, social risk families, social workers, social partners, disabled people, etc. Provided services include: – development and implementation of local and international projects mostly with refugees, socially excluded target groups, professionals working with youth, social disadvantageous groups; Organisation has expertise in assessing and developing soft skills, developing and implementing new learning methods, working out new strategies, methodical materials and programmes regarding effective social inclusion. As well we are skilled in pilot trainings, e-learning, accreditation of programmes, quality assurance, dissemination and valorisation, project management, research, conferences and venues, etc.

Website: www. sociallifevolunteers.com
Email: fatihaydin.51@hotmail.com

Website: https://openeurope.es/
Email: info@openeurope.es
(+34) 877 001 000
(+34) 877 014 736
The Association of Educational Services “OpenEurope”
The Association of Educational Services “OpenEurope” is a non-profit organisation based in Reus (Catalonia, Spain) that aims to help young people and adults working in youth-related fields to participate in European programmes. All the projects and initiatives of our organisation aim to involve educators, teachers, professors, students and the whole community in the implementation of projects and programmes that seek to create a lifelong learning process. Our programmes are designed to develop participants’ communication, leadership and occupational skills. In addition, we pay special attention to strengthening the capacity of non-governmental organisations and the volunteers who work to solve social problems. We help to involve all members of the community in our projects and activities, especially in the areas of civic responsibility, immigration, technology serving people or smart cities. OpenEurope is accredited by the Employability Service of Catalonia as a guidance, placement and training centre to coordinate local, national and international mobilities and internships of VET students. The association coordinates internships, training and mobilities of both VET staff and students in the fields of tourism, restoration, biology, audiovisual, mechanics, accessibility, marketing, administration and finance, non-formal and informal education and many more. OpenEurope also provides preparatory training, guidance and counselling services for VET learners, VET sending centres and hosting companies.